Thursday 14 April 2016

Music is Medicine!

I read a quote the other day from composer Gao Yuan saying that the ancient Chinese believed music was so powerful it could heal and harmonise all aspects of a person, including the spirit. He went on to say that they rated it more highly than their traditional medicine. This is seen even now in the fact that the Chinese character for medicine is based on the character for music. In her books on Esoteric subjects, Alice Bailey said that the future of medicine and healing would be with the use of sound. 

I've had many amazing and healing experiences with sound but one interesting situation verified by another person was when I took my healing tuning forks to show my acupuncturist. At the end of the session when I had already had my acupuncture treatment, my lovely therapist decided to try them on me. She noted that my pulses were still quite weak (the pulses are one of the ways an acupuncturist checks a person's chi and general health) - I was very run down at the time. She then started trying out the tuning forks on various trigger points and noted an immediate strengthening of my pulse. Finally she used a Solfeggio tuning fork around the body at the end and my pulse was so much stronger and more balanced. 

Recent scientific studies have shown that singing in choirs increases immunity and wellbeing, which may also be due to the sense of community and our need to be part of a tribe from our ancestral memories in our DNA. I've had 'out of body' experiences just listening to certain music and certain instruments such as the gong and the ancient Peruvian whistling vessels are known to produce so many overtones/harmonics that the regular mind can find no defence and collapses allowing the experience of complete stillness and the higher mind to take over. The whole Cosmos vibrates and people in meditation and near-death experiences report hearing the music of the spheres, the celestial realm. 

Our earth even has her own divine frequency, known as the Schumann resonance. When we are in nature or meditating we more naturally attune to this frequency ourselves. So everything can be seen (or heard) as divine sound & we can use sound to heal and restore us back to divine harmony. It is a shame when people believe that they are not musical. Little do they know that they vibrate and emit sound, just like the rest of the universe. When shown how to fully let go, relax and just play with sound, people who think they are not musical suddenly find themselves playing and singing from their souls. You yourself are music! 

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